I really enjoyed this biotech class. The material covered in the class and the labs we performed gave me excellent preparation for the classes I plan to take in college. I hope to pursue a medical career, and having a class of this caliber and subject matter has given me an introduction in the field. During pre-med track in college and medical school I will carrying out similar experiments and covering similar information. However, the academic preparation that this class has given me for college is not the only reason that I valued my experience and time in the class. I enjoyed the atmosphere and the people involved. The class was composed of like minded individuals and other students who value learning and actually contribute and put effort into the class. As always I appreciated Ms. Allsbrook's teaching and the time and effort she puts into her classes. Overall, it was a great class and good way to end the day and year.
P.S.- I heard somewhere that a girl named Dallas is awesome...
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