I really enjoyed this biotech class. The material covered in the class and the labs we performed gave me excellent preparation for the classes I plan to take in college. I hope to pursue a medical career, and having a class of this caliber and subject matter has given me an introduction in the field. During pre-med track in college and medical school I will carrying out similar experiments and covering similar information. However, the academic preparation that this class has given me for college is not the only reason that I valued my experience and time in the class. I enjoyed the atmosphere and the people involved. The class was composed of like minded individuals and other students who value learning and actually contribute and put effort into the class. As always I appreciated Ms. Allsbrook's teaching and the time and effort she puts into her classes. Overall, it was a great class and good way to end the day and year.
P.S.- I heard somewhere that a girl named Dallas is awesome...
This blog documents experiences of students enrolled in Introduction to Biotechnology at Polk County High School in Columbus, North Carolina. These students are studying a population of Magnolia virginiana growing in Polk County. Through DNA technology the project aims to identify the closest genetic relatives from neighboring North and South Carolina populations. This project will be ongoing for several years.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Michele's Last Thoughts
I can't explain in any amount of words how much this class has taught me. For a school our size to be able to do PCR and protein purification is amazing. Although the class included some intense labs, we accomplished many things that I never thought we would be able to do. We also had a lot of fun on the way, from sandwich boxes to visualizable. It seems like just a few weeks ago that we walked in the classroom to face a packet of 200 biotech words that we only knew around 50 of. Although it seemed incredibly intimidating, Mrs. Allsbrook did an amazing job at teaching us everything we would need to know throughout the semester. The lab experiences were incredibly valuable. I'm sure that when I get to labs in college, I will be ahead of the others because of this class. Thank you for everything you have done for us Mrs. Allsbrook, and remember, Don't stop believing!
Hello current and awesome magnolia detectives and a warm welcome to future detectives. This is a lab based class which means that you will actually have fun learning the material through hands on experience. Genetic engineering and biotechnology are a lot more exciting than you might think it is. Plus it is a great environment to get nerdy and learn awesome words like visualizable!!! The labs you complete throughout the year are preparation for the work with Magnolia virginiana. Being the first of the Magnolia Detectives my class has left behind a strong foundation for future work. The labs were a blast and the teacher is amazing. Love you Mrs. Allsbrook.
This class really educated me about the biotechnology world. I learned about the ethical issues of genetic engineering, as well as the benefits of it. I enjoyed all the labs that we did because they challenged me and prepared me for college classes. We learned how to perform Polymerase chain reaction to make multiple copies of a sample of DNA, how to load and run a gel electrophoresis, how to extract DNA, DNA fingerprinting, separate proteins, and bacterial transformations. We collected samples of magnolia leaves and began the DNA extraction process, and started the project for other students to finish in the future.
Monday, June 7, 2010
PCHS Biotech Pioneers
This semester went by too fast! I wasn't aware going into the class that it would be so lab-intense. Good thing they were my favorite part. We had our root beer fermentation, DNA extraction necklaces, restriction enzymes, southern blot, PCR, Human fingerprinting toolbox, Transformation with green and blue fluorescent protein plasmids, Purification of green and blue fluorescent protein, and final magnolia extraction lab. I cannot begin to explain how more in depth this class has gone into the world of biotechnology that I have previously understood. I now can sequence DNA using the Sanger method, do a southern blot, the differences between STR/VNTR/ISSR, and understand the procedures of DNA micro arrays. Funny thing, because there was a micro array question on a sample GRE test. That being said, this was one of the best classes I've taken. I believe that I'm even more ready for college now. Thanks to everyone that is in support of this project, and thanks to Mrs. Allsbrook for being a "goddess". :)
Sunday, June 6, 2010
The wonderous thoughts of Dallas
This class was definitely a success. We started the year by refreshing our memory on basic biological concepts and did many labs that helped us gain the knowledge necessary to work with Magnolia virginiana. We started with simple DNA extraction then we worked with restriction enzymes, PCR, southern blotting, VNTRs, Alus, mDNA markers. protein purification and other such epicness (I'm aware epicness is not technically a word, but in this case I think it appropriately describes the pure awesome that occurred during Biotechnology.). By the time we started working with the Magnolia we were more than prepared and understood everything in the lab protocol. Through this class we were able to be a part of a research project that will continue for years to come; our data will aide future classes with their research on Magnolia virginiana. PLUS because of this class i have a test tube of my own DNA hanging from my rear view mirror of my car, which is awesome.
Biotech- Jeremiah Sta.maria
The execution of this class was effective. Doing labs connected to the Magnolia virginiana before doing its labs made sure we knew what we were doing. The classwork itself refreshed and added to our biological knowledge, to let us understand what was happening in our labs. No doubt this class was the coolest; where else could you get a copy of your own DNA?
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Biotech 2010- Ericka's Reflections
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